Watermarked Hostas

A watermark is a faint design printed on certain paper documents during manufacture that is visible when held against the light. It typically identifies the maker.

Examples of items with a watermark are a cashier's check, money order, and a twenty-dollar bill (which has a faint image of an eagle on the left side of Andrew Jackson and the words "TWENTY USA" on the right side of Jackson).

In addition, watermarks are often used to protect photos which are posted on the Internet so they are not pirated or used without permission. You can still see the original photo, but upon careful inspection, you may notice a design or word overlaid onto the photo which is intended to designate who owns it.

When we talk about hostas with watermarks, we are referring to hosta leaves which naturally have a faint imprint of some design which is different than the overall shape of the leaf.

A watermark on a particular hosta can be very subtle. The watermark may be more obvious in some photos than others due to the lighting conditions when the photo was taken. Other factors which may affect the clarity of a watermark on a hosta are the time of the year (early, mid, or late summer), the growing conditions, and the amount of sunlight where the hosta is growing.

Whether or not you like watermarked hosta leaves, they certainly are unique and distinctive. They draw your attention and can be a conversation piece for anyone who visits your garden.

 'Aurora's Glow'
 'Captain's Adventure'
 'Déjà Blu'
 'Fire Opal'
 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'
 'Krugerrand Watermark'
 'Total Eclipse'
 'Xanadu Dlanor'

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