Early-Emerging Hostas

'Alex Summers'
'Alligator Shoes'
'Big Bang'
'Big Boy'
'Blue Angel'
'Blue Haired Lady'
'Celebration of Angels'
'Chinese Sunrise'
'Choo Choo Train'
'Christmas Tree'
clausa var. normalis
'Devon Cloud'
'Early to Rise'
'Emerald Tiara'
'Fancy Plant'
'First Love'
'Fried Bananas'
'Fried Green Tomatoes'
'Giantland Tantalize'
'Gold Regal'
'Golden Tiara'
'Hadspen Samphire'
'Komodo Dragon'
'Korean Snow'
'Lakeside Down Sized'
'Lakeside Looking Glass'
'Lakeside Reflecting Glass'
'Lakeside Un Huh'
'Like Butta'
'Lily Pad'
longipes f. sparsa
'Marbled Cream'
'Maruba Iwa'
montana 'Aureomarginata'
'Montana Moonshine'
'Mountain Haze'
'PeeDee Gold Flash'
'Piedmont Gold'
'Pineapple Express'
'Pineapple Poll'
'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake'
'Shiny Penny'
'So Sweet'
'Spartan Arrow'
'Squash Casserole'
'Sum and Substance'
'Undulata Albomarginata'
'Venetian Blue'

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