A series is a group of things which are similar or somehow related to one another. A group of hostas with similar names, for example, can be called a "series". Choosing similar names is a clever way to assemble plants into a group and associate them with their originator.
Some hybridizers include a nickname, or moniker, when naming their introductions. A moniker is an exclusive term which is specifically intended to be identified with the individual or company that has originated the new plant and established the moniker. A well-known example is Mary Chastain who prefaced her new introductions with the word "Lakeside". This is the largest series in which a moniker is included in the names of a group of hostas (over 180 cultivars).
In other cases, hosta names may not include a moniker, but are otherwise somehow related. One such technique to assemble names into a series was used by Ron Livingston of Clawson, Michigan. As a retired school teacher who loves to garden and hybridize new cultivars, Ron selected names which all begin with the prefix, "Pre-". Some examples of this series of twelve hostas are 'Preconceived', 'Predisposed', 'Preferred', and 'Prescribed'.
A series can also be formed by selecting names with a particular subject or theme in mind. Many gardeners are familiar with the extensive series of "Mouse Ears" hostas. If you are a fan of these small, thick-substanced hostas, then you probably know there are many now available, and more are added each year.
If you are a "Trekkie" fan, you may consider collecting the entire series of Star Trek hostas for your own personal garden. The extensive list of "Trekkie" hostas have been introduced primarily by three hybridizers- Dirk Dupré, Mark Zilis, and Jim Schwarz. Another series with a central theme in mind is the group of Olga Petryszyn introductions which are focused on geographical features and landmarks of the United States.
Finally, some hybridizers have formed a series simply by assigning their introductions a number. For example, Borsch Nursery of Multnomah, Oregon introduced 'Borsch 1', 'Borsch 2', 'Borsch 3', and 'Borsch 4'. Two of the Borsch series of numbered hostas are registered, while the other two are not.
"Abba" (P. Aden et al.) "Abiqua" (C. Purtymun & J. Hyslop) "Academy" (S. Chamberlain) "Allegan" (H. Deshane & K. Herrema) "American" (V. Wade) "Asahi" (K. Kato/ B. Zumbar) "Asian" (R. Souvagie) "Atomic" (R. Livingston) "Bee" (T. van Wyk) "Bellville" (V. Wade/ D. & J. Ward) "Birchwood" (F. Shaw) "Bohemia" (V. Mirka) "Borsch" (Borsch Nursery) "Botters" (G. Veenstra) "Buffalo" (M. & D. Zubrik) "Chesieres" (L. Hirsbrunner) "Chris'" (C. Brinkmann) "Clear Fork" and "Clearfork" (V. Wade) "Clifford's" (J. Clifford) "Coach" (F. Freeman) "Coastal" (R. Desmedt) "Colesburg" (R. Hackbarth) "Collector's" (B. Janssen) "Color" (P. Aden et al.) "Cosmic" (R. Kuenster) "Country" (J. Spece) "Cowboy" (J. Gamradt) "Crossroads" (T. England) "Crows Landing" (P. Stygall) |
"Devon" (A. & R. Bowden) "Dixie" (T. Avent et al.) "Dorset" (E. Smith) "Epic" (C. Kwick) "Flemish" (D. van Eechaute) "Forest" (R. Goodwin) "Fortunei" (N. Hylander) "Foxfire" (S. Schulte) "Franc's" (F. Freeman) "Frensham" (J. Colley & J. Baker) "Frisian" (B. Aukema) "Genesee" (P. Brandt-Sorheim) "Giantland" (J. Miller) "Glen" (V. Serafin) "Glenn" (R. Kuenster) "Goldbrook" (S. Bond) "Gosan" (W. G. Schmid) "Grandflora" (D. Liu) "Greenhead" (C. Finke) "Hadspen" (E. Smith) "Hanjas" (J. Hurup Hansen) "Harvest" (A. Summers) "Hervester" (M. Lokies) "Holar" (R. van Keer) "Hollywood" (M. Keuger) "Hirao" (S. Hirao) "Holly" (G. Holly & R. Benedict) "Honey Hill" (M. Erb) "Honeysong" (A. Summers) |
"Iron Gate" (V. Sellers) "Island" (A. Blake) (G. Rasmussen) "Jipson" (D. & J. Butler) "Kempen" (P. Butaye) "Kiss" (C. Kwick) "Kiwi" (B. Sligh) "Krossa" (G. Krossa) "Lady" (C. Kwick et. al.) "Lakeside" (M. Chastain & R. Canning) "Lord" (C. Kwick) "Marlu's" (M. Overhiser) "Maya" (A. Scheer) "Maui" (W. Vaughn) "Mill's" (R. Sneyers) "Northern" (Walters Gardens, Inc.) "Northernair" (M. & J. Carlson) "Oberland" (S. Rank) "Ohh!" (E. Schulz) "Olympic" (Naylor Creek et al.) "Osiris" (Les Jardins Osiris) "Pacific" (W. Janssen et al.) "Paradise" (M. Fransen) "Pebble Creek" (J. Kovalcsik) "PeeDee" (U. Syre-Herz) "Pete's" (P. de Rooij) "Piedmont" (D. Stone et al.) "Prairie" (M. Zilis) "Pre-" (R. Livingston) |
"Richland" (V. Wade) "Rosedale" (J. Hadrava) "Sea" (M. Seaver) "SHADOWLAND" (Walters Gardens/ Proven Winners) "Sherborne" (E. Smith) "Simpers" (L. Simpers) "Streakin in" (E. Thaubald) "Summer" (M. Zilis) "Teltow" (M. Entemann) "Tokudama" (F. Maekawa) br> "Tremont" (R. Livingston) "Tucker" (R. Stephens) "Uniquely" (M. Rosenberg) "Valley's" (J. Linneman) "Warwick" (L. Jones) "Waukon" (R. Axmear) "Wheels" (E. Minks) (A. Summers) "Wicked" (S. Asch) (R. Kuenster) "Winnebago" (S. Schrage) "Xanadu" (B. & V. Skaggs) "Zager" (H. Zager) |
American Indians (V. Wade) Bears (B. Schmidt) Dinosaurs (J. Moore) Food & Drink (R. Solberg) Geographical features and landmarks of the U.S. (O. Petryszyn) Geographical features/ points of interest in Massachusetts (R. Goodenough) Great Lakes (P. Ruh/ R. Lydell/ M. Chastain) Highest point in each U.S. State (J. Moore) Mouse Ears (E. & J. Deckert, M. Fransen, J. van den Top, Walters Gardens, Inc. et al.) Movies (A. Scheer) Planets of the Solar System (V. Wade) Presidents of the United States (H. Sugita & P. & J. Ruh) Robin Hood (J. Schwarz) Signs of the Zodiac (J. Husemann) Star Trek (D. Dupré, M. Zilis, J. Schwarz et al.) The Tardianas (E. Smith) The Tiaras (W. Meyer, R. Savory, Walters Gardens, Inc. et al.) |
"Aden": "Aden #359", "Aden #370", etc. (P. Aden) "Borsch": 'Borsch 1', 'Borsch 2', etc. (Borsch Nursery) "DSM": "DSM #1", "DSM #2", etc. (D. Stone) "Davidson": "Davidson 42", "Davidson 50", etc. (L. Davidson) "FRW": "FRW#128", "FRW#152", etc. (F. Williams) "Krossa": "Krossa A-1", "Krossa B-1", etc. (G. Krossa) "Mackwoods": "Mackwoods No. 1", "Mackwoods No. 2", etc. (C. Mack) "Summers": "Summers #1", "Summers #15", etc. (A. Summers) "The Tardianas": "TF 1 X 1", "TF 1 X 4", etc. (E. Smith) "Tisch": "Tisch No. 1", "Tisch No. 2", etc. (E. Tisch) "Verkade's": 'Verkade's One', 'Verkade's Two' (J. Verkade) |
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