The waxy coating on a leaf produces a dusty appearance called "bloom". This glaucous coating makes the leaf appear white, gray, or blue With certain cultivars and species, the bloom on the leaf surface and underside is more intense than others. This list includes hostas with a thick underside bloom.
'00 Buckshot' '1-800 Full Moon' 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' 'Above the Clouds' 'Abundant Love' 'Affair to Remember' 'Agawa' 'Age of Gold' 'Aksarben' 'Alana's Laugh' albofarinosa 'Allegan Emperor' 'Ambrosia' 'Amethyst Joy' 'Andy Murray' 'Aqua June' 'Arc de Triomphe' 'Arch Duke' 'Arctic Blast' 'Arctic Frost' 'Artisan Voodoo Spell' 'Asher' 'Aspiring Angel' 'Astral Bliss' 'Atomic Elvis' 'Awakening Angel' 'Aztalan' 'Azure Gem' 'Azure Snow' 'Babbling Brook' 'Baby Blue Eyes' 'Baby Booey' 'Baja White' 'Bamse' 'Barbara May' 'BEAutiful Midnight' 'Beautiful Night' 'Because of Art' 'Becca' 'Bellevue' 'Best of Twenty' 'Bethel Big Leaf' 'Beyond Glory' 'Biddy's Blue' 'Big Bad John' 'Big Beaulieu' 'Big Old Teddy Bear' 'Big Bubba' 'Big Time' 'Biggie' 'Billie Holiday' 'Birth of the Blues' 'Biscuits -n- Honey' 'Bix Blues' 'Black Belgium' 'Black Hills' 'Black Queen' 'Black Thunder' 'Blond Bombshell' 'Blonde Elf' |
'Blue Arrow' 'Blue Biscuit' 'Blue Boutique' 'Blue Cadet' 'Blue Carved Spoons' 'Blue Cups' 'Blue Danube' 'Blue Dimples' 'Blue Dogwood' 'Blue Dolphin' 'Blue Edger' 'Blue Elf' 'Blue Fan Dancer' 'Blue for You' 'Blue Frost' 'Blue Genes' 'Blue Gown' 'Blue Haired Lady' 'Blue Hawaii' 'Blue Hearts' 'Blue Horizon' 'Blue Ice' 'Blue Imagination' 'Blue Jay' 'Blue Jeans Bling' 'Blue Lady' 'Blue Mammoth' 'Blue Me Away' 'Blue Melody' 'Blue Moon' 'Blue Moonbeams' 'Blue Mountains' 'Blue Mouse Ears' 'Blue Mouse Ears Supreme' 'Blue Music' 'Blue My Mind' 'Blue Nymph' 'Blue Perfection' 'Blue Pillow' 'Blue Plisse' 'Blue Prayers' 'Blue Ridge Mountains' 'Blue Ripples' 'Blue Shadows' 'Blue Skirt' 'Blue Sliver' 'Blue Sophistication' 'Blue Stockings' 'Blue Suede Shoes' 'Blue Troll' 'Blue Vision' 'Blue Vision Supreme' 'Blue Wedgewood' 'Blue Waves' 'Blueberry Patch' 'Blueberry Ripple' 'Bluebigwa' 'Bluebird' 'Bluebird of Happiness' 'Bluegrass Country' 'Bluetopia' |
'Boba Fett' 'Bohemia Oh Well' 'Bohemia Quill Bill' 'Bohemia Yellow Corvette' 'Bold Ruffles' 'Boots and Saddles' 'Bora Bora' 'Bordeaux' 'Border Patrol' 'Borwick Beauty' 'Boston Harbormaster' 'Boundless' 'Bow Bells' 'Bowflecks' 'Boysenberry' 'Breakers' 'Brentwood Blues' 'Bright-eyed Ellie' 'Brother Jack' 'Brother Ronald' 'Bubble Dance' 'Buckshaw Blue' 'Buffalo Grassland Lightning' 'Bullfrog' 'Button Up' 'Buttonwood Bay' 'Cabin Boy' 'Cadiz Springs' 'Candy Dish' 'Candy Kisses' 'Carol Marie' 'Carpathian Green Fields' 'Carved Complexity' 'Catcher's Mitt' 'Cease Fire' 'Celestial Sea Glass' 'Champ' 'Chance Encounter' 'Chanticleer' 'Charles' 'Charlie Jane' 'Chartreuse Wedge' 'Chicago Blues' 'Chief White Cloud' 'Chiller' 'Chinese Dragon Supreme' 'Choo Choo Shuffle' 'Chopsticks' 'Chris' 'Ciandra' 'Cinnabon' 'Cinnamon and Sugar' 'Coal Mine' 'Coast to Coast' 'Coat of Many Colors' 'Cocky Junior' 'Cold Heart' 'Collective Charm' 'Colleen Marie' 'Color Fairy' 'Cool Change' 'Copa Cabana' |
'Cosmic Beer Brat' 'Cosmic Blue Seas' 'Cosmic Buddy' 'Cosmic Confetti' 'Cosmic Crocodile' 'Cosmic Exceptional' 'Cosmic Eye Candy' 'Cosmic Infatuation' 'Cosmic Killer' 'Cosmic Little Devil' 'Cosmic Memories' 'Cosmic Thrills' 'Cosmic Tie Dye' 'Cosmic Trophy' 'Cosmic Universe' 'Cosmic Warrior' 'Cosmic Wonder' 'Cotton Fluff' 'Country Candied Confection' 'Country Dreaming' 'Country Rippled Relic' 'Country River Rapids' 'Country Warrior' 'Courtesy' 'Creature from the Black Lagoon' 'Creek' 'Crinkle Cup' 'Crinkled Leather' 'Crystal Chimes' 'Cupid's Bow' 'Curvy' 'Cutting Edge' 'Dahlonega' 'Dancing in the Moonlight' 'Dancing on the Sun' 'Dancing with Dragons' 'Deep Blue Sea' 'Deep Sea Dive' 'Deep Waters' 'Desert Sun' 'Designer Genes' 'Dewed Steel' 'Diamond Lake' 'Disappearing Act' 'Dixieland Jazz' 'Dolcissimo' 'Dolfina' 'Double Your Pleasure' 'Dr Topper Hagerman' 'Dragon's Blood' 'Dragon's Dream' 'Dragon's Eye' 'Dream Boat' 'Dream Queen' 'Dress Whites' 'Drop-dead Gorgeous' 'Duke of Cornwall' 'Ebony Spires' 'Echo the Sun' 'Eiger' 'Elkhart Lake' |
'Ellie Marie' 'Elvis Lives' 'Emperor's New Clothes' 'Empress Wu' 'Epic Blue Titan' 'Epic Blue Wave' 'Epic Cosmetic Union' 'Epic Neon Crème' 'Equoia' 'Evening Blush' 'Exotic Dancer' 'Farwell' 'Feathervane' 'Feng Shui' 'Fifth Avenue' 'Fine Art' 'Finnegan's Gold' 'Fire Dance' 'First Kiss' 'Flash Freeze' 'Fleet Week' 'Flemish Design' 'Flemish Gold' 'Flemish Master' 'Flemish Melody' 'Flemish Sky' 'Floating on Air' 'Flower Power' fluctuans 'Fog Light' 'Fountain' 'Foxfire Flash' 'Foxfire Green Lantern' 'Francheska' 'Frensham Airbrush Paints' 'Frensham Apple and Bramble Tart' 'Frensham Cinnamon Turnover' 'Frensham Elderberry Gin' 'Frensham Heart Beat' 'Frensham Icy Blue Waters' 'Frensham Lemon Crepes' 'Frensham Lost Stork' 'Frensham Peanut Brittle' 'Frensham Petit Four' 'Frensham Red Lime Cordial' 'Frensham Shining Armour' 'Friends Forever' 'Frill Ride' 'Frilly Fantasy' 'Fritzie' 'Frisian Blue Guy' 'Frisian Falls' 'Frisian Misty Sky' 'Frisian Pride' 'Frisian Sun Wave' 'Frizzy Hair' 'Frosted Dimples' 'Fukurin Hakuyo' 'Fumiko' 'Future Wave' |
'G and S Nelson's' 'Gabber' 'Gandy Dancer' 'Garnet Spires' 'Gator Bowl' 'Gay Paree' 'Gay Search' 'Georgia Jan' 'Georgie Porgie Puddin and Pie' 'Ghost Flower' 'Ghost Mouse' 'Giantland Athletic Cup' 'Giantland Blue Monday' 'Giantland Elegance' 'Giantland Indy Bowl' 'Giantland Irish Mist' 'Giantland Lime-a-Rita' 'Giantland Skylight Bowl' 'Giantland Tsunami' 'Gigantosaurus' 'Gilt by Association' 'Ginny' 'Gitchigumi' 'Give Me Room' 'Glacier Cascade' 'Glen Eyeful Tower' 'Gold Wing' 'Gold Wrinkles' 'Golden Bullion' 'Golden Harmony' 'Golden Medallion' 'Goodnight Gracie' 'Gosan Sunproof' 'Gotta Little Blues' 'Grain Belt Gold' 'Grace Wins' 'Grand Slam' 'Grandflora Fragrant Pink' 'Grandma's Deep Scoops' 'Gray Wolf' 'Great Lakes Lighthouse' 'Green Blimp' 'Green Earth' 'Green Lava' 'Green Sheen' 'Green Wedge' 'Greybeard' 'Grünspecht' 'Hairline Fracture' 'Hakuyo' 'Hakuyo Nishiki' 'Half and Half' 'Hammered Gold' 'Hands of Hope' 'Happy Accident' 'Happy Dayz' 'Harper Grace' 'Harry van de Laar' 'Heart Throb' 'Hearts in Motion' |
'Helen Field Fischer' 'Hello Gorgeous' 'Hercules' 'Hero Angel' 'Hey You' 'High and Mighty' 'High Impact' 'High Kicker' 'High Radiation' 'Hillary' 'Hime Setouchi' 'Hime Urajiro Hyuga' 'Hoarfrost' 'Holar Arches Park' 'Holar Ice Empress' 'Holar Red Sea Shell' 'Holar White Satin' 'Holar Wild Side' 'Hollywood Hall of Fame' 'Hollywood Tin Cup' 'Holy Smokes!' 'Hometown Hero' 'Honey Bear' 'Honey Hill Wrinkled Rainslicker' 'Honeysong Regal' 'Hoosier Hysteria' 'Hope Springs Eternal' 'Horse of a Different Color' 'Hovercraft' 'Hugs for You' 'Hyuga Urajiro' 'Hypnotic' hypoleuca 'I am Lady Ruby' 'I'll Fly Away' 'Ian's Crystal Ball' 'Ice King' 'Ice Palace' 'Ice Queen' 'Ilona' 'Impressive Reject' 'Indiana Blue' 'Infatuation' 'Innovation' 'Irish Cream' 'Irish Longlegs' 'Isla de Taras' 'Island Fling' 'Island Flourish' 'Island Splendour' 'Island Sun' 'Island Waves' 'Ivory Queen' 'Iwato' 'J. B. III' 'J. B. Patel' 'Janet's Joy' 'Janie Girl' 'Jasmine' |
'Jet Black' 'Jetstream' 'Jim Boldt' 'Jipson Place Summer Solstice' 'Jipson Place Tree Top Lover' 'Joan's Alter Ego' 'Joby' 'John Denver' 'John Luke Picard' 'Jolly Roger' 'Joshu Iwa' 'Joyce Lane' 'Judy Blue Eyes' 'Jumbo' 'June' 'June Beauty' 'Kalamazoo' 'Kalyn's Joy' 'Kifukurin Urajiro Hyuga' kikutti f. leuconata 'Kill Me Softly' 'Kim' 'Kimmie Q' 'King Midas' 'King Tucker' 'Kinki' 'Kira' 'Kirkside Blue' 'Kirkside Golden Parachute' 'Kiss an Angel Good Morning' 'Kiss and Surrender' 'Kiss Me Farewell' 'Kiss Me Kwick' 'Kiss Me Kwick and Don't Slobber' 'Kiss of Innocence' 'Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry' 'Kiwi Blue Ruffles' 'Kiwi Hippo' 'Kiwi Skyscraper' 'KL's Choice' 'Ko Seto' 'Komodo Dragon' 'Kong' 'Krinkle Sister' 'Krinkle Twist' 'Krinkled Joy' 'Krossa Dressa' 'Krossa Regal' 'Kung Fu Kenny' 'Kwick, Kwik, Quick, Mabel' 'Kwick Ness' 'Kwick's Color Alchemy' 'Kwick's Salad Bowl' 'Kwickie' 'Lady Anna-Quin' 'Lady Carol' 'Lady El' 'Lady Gaga' 'Lady Gloria' 'Lady in Red' |
'Lady Klara-Maren' 'Lady Liz' 'Lady Luck' 'Lady Mabel Mae' 'Lady Peyton' 'Lady Renee' 'Lady Rosemary' 'Lady Tessa' 'Lady Tricia Lynn' 'Lake Michigan' 'Lake Superior' 'Lakeport Blue' 'Lakeside Blue Cunfusion' 'Lakeside Breaking News' 'Lakeside It's Colorific' 'Lakeside Lagoon' 'Lakeside Old Smokey' 'Lakeside Sapphire Pleats' 'Lambeau Leap' 'Lavender Doll' 'Lavender Stocking' 'Lederhosen' 'Legacy of Corydon' 'Lemon Meringue' 'Leon's Neon' 'Liberty Blues' 'Libby' 'Light My Fire' 'Lightning Flash' 'Lillie' 'Lily Blue Eyes' 'Limestone Lover' 'Linde' 'Little Dancer' 'Little Sheen' 'Little Wedge' 'Lochness Blue' 'Logan' 'Long Tall Sally' longipes var. hypoglauca longipes "Iwa" longipes latifolia 'Urajiro Hachijo' 'Lord Brendan' 'Lord Crinkleshine' 'Lord Dullripple' 'Lord Goldridge' 'Lord Manywrinkles' 'Lord Puckersheen' 'Lotte's Love' 'Louie Louie' 'Love Burst' 'Love in the Afternoon' 'Love Me Tender' 'Love Nest' 'Love Pat' 'Love Potion #9' 'Love Song' 'Love Spat' 'Love Story' 'Love Tap' 'Love's Purest Light' 'Lucky Fifty' 'Luna Moth' 'Lust in the Dust' |
'Maekawa' 'Maggie May' 'Major Tom' 'Majordomo' 'Marilyn Monroe' 'Marrakech' 'Martin Van Buren' 'Mary Chastain' 'Mastodon' 'Maui Blue Kitten' 'Meant to Be' 'Memories of Dorothy' 'Memphis Blue' 'Merci Beaucoup' 'Metamorphosis' 'Microtardiana' 'Midas Touch' 'Mikawa-no-yuki' 'Milky Rock' 'Mill Bluff' 'Millennium' 'Minimoon' 'Minnehaha Creek Paladin' 'Mint Condition' 'Mint Rushmore' 'Miss Abbie' 'Miss American Pie' 'Miss Linda Smith' 'Miss Lya' 'Miss Lucy' 'Miss You' 'Mississippi Mist' 'Mister Green Genes' 'Mister Red Genes' 'Mixed Nuts' 'Modern Dance' 'Mohegan' 'Molly' 'Mombo' 'Mona Lisa' 'Moor Hound' 'Morning Call' 'Moscow Blue' 'Mosel' 'Mourning Dove' 'Mouse Madness' 'Mouseketeer' 'Movin on Up' 'Mr Jack' 'Mr Z' 'Muriel Seaver Brown' 'My Fair Lady' 'Mystic Giant' 'Nancy Gill' 'Nancy, National Hero' 'Nate the Great' 'Neptune' 'Nifty Fifty' 'Night at the Opera' 'Night Rhythms' 'Night Train' nigrescens 'Ninkasi' 'None Lovelier' 'Nordatlantik' |
'Northern Mist' 'Northern Mist Grey' 'Northern Mystery' 'Northernair Birdbath Blue' 'Northernair Bluetilda' 'Northernair on Point' 'Notice Me' 'Odd Goddess' 'Ohh! Amber' 'Ohh! Blue Beacon' 'Ohh! Blue Finale' 'Ohh! Blue Granite' 'Ohh! Clare' 'Ohh! Elvira' 'Ohh! His Blue Eyes' 'Ohh! Jewell' 'Ohh! Powder River Blue' 'Ojibway' 'Old Blue Eyes' 'Old Smoky' 'Orphan Train Rider' 'Osprey' 'Otter Point' 'Outrageous' 'Over the Waves' 'Oxford Blue Top' 'Pacific Sunlight' 'Paint Master' 'Pam and Tall Guy' 'Paradise King' 'Paradise Red Delight' 'Paradox' 'Party Trimmings' 'Patriot Colors' 'Patsy' 'Peach Brandy' 'Peacock Strut' 'Pearls of Wisdom' 'Pebble Creek Basin' 'Pebble Creek Doggone Nice' 'Pebble Creek Grape Jelly' 'Pebble Creek Great King' 'Pebble Creek Grey Roses' 'Pebble Creek Magnificat' 'Pebble Creek Provenance' 'Pebble Creek Sea Billows' 'Pebble Creek Shamayim Mayim' 'Pebble Creek Silver Sensation' 'Pebbles' 'Periwrinkle' 'Perry's True Blue' 'Pete's Dark Satellite' 'Pete's Impression' 'Petticoat Junction' 'Pewter Bowl' 'Pewterware' 'Phoenix' 'Place of Hope' 'Plum Saucy' 'Porcelain Vase' 'Potawatomi' 'Powder Brute' 'Powered by Bob' 'Prairie Sky' 'Prime Minister' |
'Prince Beorn Benicio' 'Prince of Wales' 'Private Dancer' 'Proud Peacock' 'Puckered Cup' 'Puckered Giant' 'Pull of the Moon' 'Purple Rain' 'Purple Verticulated Elf' 'Pursuit of Happiness' pycnophylla 'Quaker Lady' 'Qualifying Queen' 'Raging River' 'Raspberry Parfait' 'Raucous Ruffles' 'Razorback' 'Rebel Heart' 'Red Imp' 'Red Legs' 'Red October' 'Red-hot Mama' 'Regal Chameleon' 'Regal Heir' 'Regal Promenade' 'Regal Providence' 'Regal Ruffles' 'Regal Splendor' 'Regal Supreme' 'Regal Twist' 'Regalia' 'Restless Sea' 'Rhapsody in Blue' 'Rhino Blue' 'Rhino Hide' 'Rhubarb Pie' 'Rib Mountain' 'Ribbon Dancer' 'Richland Reward' 'Rimmed Cauldron' 'Rip Van Wrinkle' 'Rippling Brook' 'River Dance' 'Riverboat Queen' 'Rockstar Evie, Golfer Gracie' 'Roiled Surf' 'Rosedale Marsha Axmear Erb' 'Rosedale Spoons' 'Rosedale Terraced Hills' 'Rotini' 'Rough Knight' 'Round About Midnight' 'Rowan My Boat' 'Royal Empress' 'Ruffed Up' 'Ruffles n Ridges' rupifraga 'Urajiro Hachijo' 'Sabrina' 'Sagae' 'Sam Hagerman' 'Sanctuary' 'Sassy in Gold' 'Satoko' 'Save Poor Lily' 'Sails Ho' |
'Salute' 'Scallion Pancakes' 'School Bus' 'Scimitar' 'Sea Gulf Stream' 'Selah's Choice' 'Self-Assured' 'Sequioa' 'Serene' 'Sharon Stone' 'Shawnee Gold' 'She Don't Know She's Beautiful' 'Shimmer' 'Shimmers in the Moonlight' 'Shimmy Shake' 'Shirofukrin Urajiro Iwa' 'Shoot the Works' 'Shout Out Silas' 'Silly String' 'Silver Bay' 'Silver Bullet' 'Silver Light' 'Silver Shogun' 'Silver Tongued Devil' 'Silvery Slugproof' 'Sioux' 'Sir Augie W' 'Sir Cocky' 'Sir Dave' 'Sir Lloyd T' 'Sir Troy Lamar' 'Sister Betty' 'Skipping School' 'Sky Dancer' 'Skylight' 'Smiling Susan' 'Smoke Signals' 'Smokey' 'Smokey Bear' 'Smokey Tokey' 'Smoochy' 'Smurfette' 'Sound of Music' 'Snowden' 'Solitude' 'Something for Sandra' 'Soules Pruinose' 'Sourpuss' 'Speakeasy' 'Spinning Wheel' 'Spiral Nebula' 'Splendid Reign' 'Spock's Ear' |
'Stalwart Steve' 'Stargate' 'Stegosaurus' 'Stir It Up' 'Stonegate' 'Storm Surf' 'Strawberry Delight' 'Strike Up the Band' 'Stuck on Blue' 'Subterranean Pool' 'Sugar Blue' 'Sugar Cookie' 'Sugar Plum' 'Summertime Blues' 'Sun Safari' 'Sun Splash' 'Sunrise Crinkles' 'Super Scoop' 'Super Star' 'Susan and Steve' 'Swan Lake' 'Sweet Caroline' 'Symphony in Blue' 'Talking Point' 'Tamiami Blue' 'Tarheel Blue' 'Tears on Heaven' 'Telegraham' 'Telly's Treasure' 'Teltow The Stork' 'Teltow Yellow Explosion' 'Temptation' 'Tenryu' 'Tequila Sunrise' 'Terms of Endearment' 'Terry witha Y' 'The B and C Rislers' 'The Duchess Dorothy' 'The Gambler' 'The Mighty Koo Yai' 'The Minnesota Mafia' 'The Notorious RBG' 'The Partridge Family' 'The Seventh Son' 'The Stone Horse' 'The Trophy Wife' 'The Wall' 'Theo's Blue' 'Theo's Red' 'Thor' 'Three Sisters' 'Thrill Ride' 'Thunderbolt' 'Tidewater' 'Titanium' |
'Tokudama' 'Tokudama Aureonebulosa' 'Tom Schmid' 'Tom Terrific' 'TON-ka toh' 'Toots' 'Top Shelf' 'Tossed Salad' 'Totally Twisted' 'Toyo-no-omoide' 'Trail of Tears' 'Tremont Cardiac' 'Tremont Mainstay' 'Tremont Prehensile' 'Tremont Something Dreamy' 'True Blue' 'True Heart' 'True Love' 'Tuff Stuff' 'Turner Junction' 'Tuscarora' 'Tutu' 'Twinkle Little Star' 'Twist and Shout' 'Twist Tie' 'Ultramarine' 'Uncle Albert' 'Uncle Shorty' 'Uniquely Goooal!' 'Uniquely Inconceivable' 'Uniquely Purple People Eater' 'Uniquely Sweet Lady' 'Up in Smoke' 'Urajiro Hachijo' 'Urajiro Iwa' 'Urajiro Ko Iwa' 'Urajiro Oba' 'Urajiro Ubatake' 'Uranus' 'Valedictorian' 'Valley's Adonis' 'Valley's Big Chute' 'Valley's Big Hand' 'Valley's Big Spender' 'Valley's Blue Curacao' 'Valley's Blue Penguin' 'Valley's Blue Rider' 'Valley's Blue Stature' 'Valley's Blue Warrior' 'Valley's Bull Ray' 'Valley's Cathedral' 'Valley's Cloudbuster' 'Valley's Courtisane' 'Valley's Cover Lady' 'Valley's Curly Wurly' |
'Valley's Dancing Lady' 'Valley's Dancing Water' 'Valley's Falling in Love' 'Valley's Favorite Muse' 'Valley's Fine Wine' 'Valley's First Bite' 'Valley's Front Runner' 'Valley's Golden Cave' 'Valley's Golden Mistral' 'Valley's Goldstriker' 'Valley's Grey Buster' 'Valley's Himitsu' 'Valley's Hokey Pokey' 'Valley's Ice Giant' 'Valley's Iron Lady' 'Valley's Katafreeze' 'Valley's Lazy Sunday' 'Valley's Lemon Limbo' 'Valley's Lemon Squash' 'Valley's Liquid Gold' 'Valley's Long Neck' 'Valley's Love Birds' 'Valley's Love Buzz' 'Valley's Magnum' 'Valley's Mai Tai' 'Valley's Midnight Joker' 'Valley's Parlay' 'Valley's Party Fluff' 'Valley's Pavlova' 'Valley's Perfect Flow' 'Valley's Petticoat' 'Valley's Purple Dust' 'Valley's Purple Hurricane' 'Valley's Pycno 348' 'Valley's Ratatouille' 'Valley's Red Dad' 'Valley's Red Raider' 'Valley's Road Runner' 'Valley's Rodeo' 'Valley's Royal Affair' 'Valley's Ruffle Shuffle' 'Valley's Sand Dance' 'Valley's Silky Skirt' 'Valley's Soul Sister' 'Valley's Space Cowboy' 'Valley's Tasuki' 'Valley's Ticket to Ride' 'Valley's Tonkatsu' 'Valley's Top' 'Valley's Wairere' 'Valley's Walkabout' 'Valley's Whale Rider' 'Valley's White Beach' 'Valley's White Suit' 'Valley's Yellow Tiffany' |
'Vampire' 'Van Wade Blue' 'Viking Ship' 'Vincent Nale' 'Vinnie's Janel' 'Virginia Reel' 'Voices in the Wind' 'Waiting in Vein' 'Walking on Sunshine' 'Waterslide' 'When I Dream' 'Wicked Blue Banana' 'Wicked Brain Freeze' 'Wicked Fun' 'Wicked Marvel' 'Wicked Mom' 'Wicked Rainbow' 'Wild Imagination' 'Wildest Dreams' 'Wind beneath My Wings' 'Winter Rainbow' 'White Back One' 'White Ceiling' 'White Caps' 'White Heron' 'White Sprite' 'Whitefish Dunes' 'Whybblue' 'Wildcat Mountain' 'Wilderness Ridge' 'Winchester' 'Winning Edge' 'Winter Frost' 'Wishing Well' 'Wizard of Ahhhs' 'Wizard's Illusion' 'Woodland Lime' 'World Peace' 'Wu Hoo' 'Wu-La-La' 'Wunv' 'Yaburitsugi' yingeri 'Zippy Zepps' |
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