Very Thick-Leaved Hostas

Hostas with particularly thick-substanced foliage. Dimensions are in thousandths of an inch, measured between the leaf veins. Those hostas with leaves that have been found to be at least .013"/.33mm thick are listed below, beginning with thickest-leaved plants first.


 'My Friend Bertha'
 'Rhino Blue'


 'Rhino Hide'
 'Rhino Tuff'


 'Grand Marquee'
 'Orange Star'
 'Sara's Sensation'


 'Blue Mouse Ears'
 'Lakeside Sir Logan'
 'Radiant Edger'
 'Sara's Sensation'
 'Touch of Class'


 'Autumn Frost'
 'Cream Topping'
 'Flemish Steel'
 'Heat Wave'
 'Kiwi Blue Baby'
 'Iron Sky'
 'June Spirit'
 'Linda Sue'
 'Luna Moth'
 'Old Cardboard Boxes'
 'Shiny Sonata'


 'Blue Ivory'
 'Doubled Up'
 'Final Victory'
 'Five O'Clock Somewhere'
 'Heavy Duty'
 'Hudson Bay'
 'June Fever'
 'Kiwi Summer Haze'
 'Remember Me'
 'St. Paul'
 'Whirling Dervish'

The leaves of most hostas are .009-.011"/.23-.28mm thick.

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