Some hosta cultivars and species have red petioles. Others have green petioles, but have red scapes. And some hostas have both red petioles and red scapes. All cultivars and species with pink, purple, or reddish petioles and/or scapes are included in the list.
'A Passion for Purple' 'Abana' 'Abba Redskin' 'Abba Sombrero' 'Abiqua Chelais' 'Academy Fangorn Forest' 'Academy Isengard' 'Academy Rivendell' 'Academy Soaring Rugosity' 'Academy Subtle Sally' aequinoctiiantha 'Alana's Laugh' 'Allo, Allo, Allo' 'Almost' 'Almost Unreal' 'Anaconda' 'Annabel Lee' 'Aqua June' 'Armani' 'Atomic Dragon' 'Audrey's Island' 'Autumn Fire' 'Autumn Ridge' 'Avocado Toast' 'Azure Mediterranean' 'Banana Split' 'Beaujolais Wine' 'Beet Salad' 'Bell Ringer' 'Bellevue' 'Benedict's Wildfire' 'Benji's Gold' 'Best of Twenty' 'Bibb Lettuce' 'Big Red' 'Bill Modrak' 'Black Adder' 'Black Light' 'Black Mamba' 'Black Pearl' 'Black Widow' 'Blackberry Tart' 'Blackberry Turnover' 'Bloodline' 'Bloody Mary' 'Blue Line' 'Blue Skin' 'Blue Stockings' 'Blueberry Muffin' 'Blushing Banana' 'Blushing Blue' 'Bohemia Red Revolution' 'Bohemia Salamander' 'Bonfire' 'Bordeaux' 'Bottle Rockets' 'Bowflecks' 'Boy Wonder' |
'Brady' 'Brandywine' 'Bubba' 'Bud Lite' 'Buffalo Designer Genes' 'Buffalo Grassland Berries' 'Buffalo Grassland Lightning' 'Burgundy Bermudas' 'Busia's Choice' 'Cadiz Springs' 'Calm before the Storm' 'Candy Box' 'Candy Dish' 'Candy Kisses' 'Carolina Blue' 'Celtic Bouquet' 'Celtic Uplands' 'Cemetery Road' 'Checkered Cab' 'Cherries a la Mode' 'Cherry Berry' 'Cherry Bomb' 'Cherry Flip' 'Cherry Garcia' 'Cherry Tart' 'Chicago Blues' 'Childhood Sweetheart' 'China Girl' 'Choo Choo Shuffle' 'Chopsticks' 'Chris' Admin' 'Chris' Bluemania' 'Chris' Blushing Neptune' 'Chris' China Star' 'Chris' Colorful Beauty' 'Chris' Darkest Purple' 'Chris' Fire to Inspire' 'Chris' Fufu' 'Chris' Gelber Traum' 'Chris' Gelbes Gold' 'Chris' Little Watermelon' 'Chris' No. 1' 'Chris' Pale Winner' 'Chris' Pinky Present' 'Chris' Purple Top' 'Chris' Red Lightning' 'Chris' Red Thing' 'Chris' Small Talk' 'Chris' Tropical Sundown' 'Christmas Gold' 'Cinnamon and Sugar' 'Cinnamon Bun' 'Cinnamon Sticks' 'Cinnamon Twist' 'City Dog' 'Clementine' 'Cloud Illusions' |
'Coconut Custard' 'Condor' 'Considering Concordville' 'Contorted Dragon' 'Corkscrew' 'Country Flamethrower' 'Country Melody' 'Cranberry Wine' 'Crazy Spirit' 'Crème Brulee' 'Crickett's Mountain Mist' 'Crimson Desire' 'Crimson Tide' 'Crumb Cake' 'Crystal Dixie' 'Curly' 'Curly Fries' 'Dancing Crane' 'Dark Branching Treasure' 'Deane's Dream' 'Delicious' 'Designer Genes' 'Devil's Poker' 'Devon Red' 'Dixie Chick' 'Dixie Chick Green' 'Dixie Chickadee' 'Doctor Fu Manchu' 'Don Clysdale' 'Don Juan' 'Don Stevens' 'Don's Gator Hide' 'Dracula' 'Dragon Fire' 'Dragon Heart' 'Dragon Warrior' 'Dragon's Blood' 'Dragon's Eye' 'Drama Queen' 'Duane's Song' 'Dutch Flame' 'Ebony Towers' 'Edina Queen' 'Elfin Princess' 'Elvis on Stage' 'Emerald City Chick' 'Emeralds and Rubies' 'Endearing Beacon' 'Endless Gift' 'Envy' 'Eos' 'Eureka Lodestar' 'Evening Blush' 'Evening Inferno' 'Ewa Yoto Moto' 'Exotic Dancer' 'Exotic Treasure' 'Eye of the Storm' |
'Fall Bouquet' 'Fantasy Island' 'Fashionista' 'Fine Art' 'Fire Dance' 'Fire Island' 'Fireplace' 'First Blush' 'Flamenco Dancer' 'Flemish Design' 'Flemish Melody' 'Flattering Jib' 'Florence Nightingale' 'Fountain Glass' 'Foxfire Rose Red' 'Fragrant Fire' 'Framed' 'Frensham Cinnamon Turnover' 'Frensham Elderberry Gin' 'Frensham Lost Stork' 'Frensham Matcha Tea Sorbet' 'Frensham Petit Four' 'Frensham Red Lime Cordial' 'Frensham Redcurrant Jelly' 'Frensham Shining Armour' 'Frisian Association' 'Frisian Bells' 'Frisian Charming Lady' 'Frisian Elegance' 'Frisian Flattened Curve' 'Frisian Hanging Down' 'Frisian Misty Sky' 'Frisian Pride' 'Frisian Red Surprise' 'Frisian Simply Red' 'Frisian Sun Wave' 'Frisian Treasure' 'Frisian Waving Steel' 'Frosted Raspberry' 'Fruit Punch' 'Fuchsia Frenzy' 'Fuiri Iwa' 'Funky Monkey' 'Future Wave' 'Game Boy' 'Garnet Prince' 'Garnet Spires' 'Gateway Arch' 'Gay Blade' 'Gay Paree' 'Gensou' 'Giantland Curly Toes' 'Giantland Princess Elsa' 'Gilt by Association' 'Gold Star' 'Goldbrook Grebe' 'Gooseberry Sundae' |
'Gosan Golden Dwarf' 'Gosan Purple Line' 'Gosan Shining' 'Grand Rapids' 'Grand Slam' 'Granddaddy Red Legs' 'Granny's Rouge' 'Grateful Red' 'Greased Pole' 'Green Fountain' 'Green Lava' 'Green Sparkler' 'Green Wedge' 'Greenest of Twenty' 'Gretchen's Grace' 'Gretchen's Rainbow' 'Gummy Bear' 'Gypsy's Boa' 'Hakuyo' 'Hakuyo Nishiki' 'Hanjas Red Lines' 'Hanjas Red Spider' 'Harrington Beach' 'Harry van de Laar' 'Harvest Dandy' 'Harvest Delight' 'Harvest Desire' 'Herbie Rocks' 'Hey You' 'Hidden Treasure' 'Hideko Tajima' 'Hime Setouchi' 'Hirao Splendor' 'Hiraoka Nishiki' 'Holar Banana Moon' 'Holar Black Swan' 'Holar Crimson Grape' 'Holar Early Days' 'Holar Fire Rainbow' 'Holar Flying Saucer' 'Holar Garnet Crow' 'Holar High Waves' 'Holar Ice Empress' 'Holar Laser Beam' 'Holar Mystic Girl' 'Holar Mystic Purple' 'Holar Purple Flash' 'Holar Purple Glacier' 'Holar Purple Highness' 'Holar Rainbow Dance' 'Holar Rainbow Magic' 'Holar Rainbow Red' 'Holar Rainbow Rider' 'Holar Red Sea Shell' 'Holar Red Spear' 'Holar Red Wine' 'Holar Rising Flame' 'Holar Smokey Water' 'Holar Sunset Cobra' 'Holar Sunset Python' 'Holar White Satin' |
'Hot Lips' 'Hotspur' 'Hunky Dory' 'Ice Castle' 'Iceberg' 'Il Gallo d'Oro' 'Incoming' 'Infatuation' 'Invincible Spirit' 'Island Charm' 'Island Breeze' 'Jack Be Nimble' 'Jack Berry' 'Jack's Genes' 'James A. Garfield' 'James Madison' 'James River' 'Janet Rugh' 'Japanese Red Scape' 'Je Suis' 'Jessica Alba' 'Jim Hawes' 'Jimmy Redd' 'Joan's Joy' 'JoBob' 'John Wargo' 'Johnnie Walker Red' 'Joseph' 'Judy Rocco' 'Kabitan' 'Kanzi' 'Katrina Jo' 'Katsuragawa Beni' 'Kempen Magenta Blue' 'Kempen Red Twist' 'Kempen Waving Shadow' 'Kent Falls' 'Kichou' kikutii "Purple Scape" kikutii var. tosana 'Kill Me Softly' 'Kim She' 'Kinba' 'King Cobra' 'King Crimson' 'Kinky Boots' 'Kinugawa Nishiki Iwa' 'Kiwi Red Heron' 'Lady Gaga' 'Lady in Red' 'Lady Isobel Barnett' 'Lady Luck' 'Lake Michigan' 'Lakeside Breaking News' 'Lakeside Cranberry Relish' 'Lakeside Dot Com' 'Lakeside Flame Dance' 'Lakeside Old Smokey' 'Lakeside Party Dress' 'Lakeside Peppermint Sticks' 'Lakeside Zesty Zeno' |
'Lancifolia' 'Lavender Doll' 'Lemon Ice' 'Lemon Kiss' 'Lemon Snap' 'Leopard Legs' 'Letha Mae' 'Lettice Wrap' 'Li'l Smooch' 'Liam's Smile' 'Liberty Bell' 'Light the Match' 'Lipstick Blonde' 'Lipstick on My Collar' 'Lipstick Sister' 'Lipstick Sunset' 'Lisa Pauline Nash' 'Little Chickadee' 'Little Maddie' 'Little Miss Sunshine' 'Little Red Joy' 'Little Redneck' 'Little Red Rooster' 'Little Spark' 'Livin' on the Edge' 'Livonia' 'Longboats' longipes longipes "Aurea" longipes f. hypoglauca longipes var. lancea longipes var. latifolia longipes f. sparsa longipes var. vulgata 'Loretta's Lavender' 'Lotte's Love' 'Louie Louie' 'Love Me Tender' 'Love of My Life' 'Love Song' 'Madam' 'Madison' 'Major Tom' 'Mango Salsa' 'Maraschino Cherry' 'Marilyn Monroe' 'Marlu's Carrie Lynn' 'Marrakech' 'Martin Van Buren' 'Mary Chastain' 'Mascara' 'Maya Infatuation' 'Maya Kingsnake' 'Memories of Dorothy' 'Merci Beaucoup' 'Mercury Rising' 'Merry Men' 'Midnight Mistress' 'Mikawa-no-yuki' 'Mill Bluff' minor minor "Korean" |
'Miss Abbie' 'Miss Christa' 'Miss Grace' 'Miss Jody's Special' 'Miss Linda Smith' 'Miss Lya' 'Miss Melanie' 'Miss Ruby' 'Miss Shamim' 'Miss Susy' 'Missouri River' 'Mister Red Genes' 'Misweave' 'Monkey Business' 'Monkey Trail' 'Morning Call' 'Moroyama Nishiki' 'Mr Blue' 'Mr Jack' 'Mustang Sally' 'My Cup of Tea' 'Nasu-no-haru' 'Neelix' 'Night Flight' 'Nooner' 'Number Nine' 'Obsession' 'Ogon Amagi Iwa' 'Ogon Sudare' 'Ogon Tsushima' 'Oh! Susanna' 'Ohio River' okamotoi 'Old Faithful' 'Oma's Sunrise' 'One Man's Treasure' 'One-trip Salad Bar' 'Ophir' 'Oshima Silk' 'Otome-no-ka' 'Otter Point' 'Over the Waves' 'Pacer' 'Painted Blueberry' 'Painted Desert' 'Paradise Island' 'Paradise Red Delight' 'Party Time' 'Passionate Purple' 'Pathway Foundling' 'Payot Milton Greene' 'Peace and Quiet' 'Peach Brandy' 'Peach Salsa' 'Peacock Strut' 'Pebble Creek Crackerjacks' 'Pebble Creek Moon Journey' 'PeeDee Gold Flash' 'PeeDee Hot Flash' 'PeeDee Red Legs' 'Peek-a-boo Purple' |
'Peppermint Twist' 'Persian Red' 'Pete's Design' 'Petticoat Pink' 'Phantom' 'Phoenix Feathers' 'Pieces of Eight' 'Pinani Island Surf' 'Pine Hill' 'Pineapple Salsa' 'Pink Flamingo' 'Pink Lemonade' 'Pink Panther' 'Pink Swoosh' 'Pixie Vamp' 'Plum Crazy' 'Plum Creek' 'Plum Delicious' 'Plum Nutty' 'Plum Pudding' 'Point Judith Light' 'Polar Vortex' 'Polished Emeralds' 'Pollock's Splatter' 'Pondering Parsippany' 'Pot of Gold' (Hansen) 'Potomac River' 'Preconceived' 'Pretty Flamingo' 'Pretty Fraulein' 'Private Dancer' 'Proud Dragon' 'Purple Bloomstalk' 'Purple Boots' 'Purple Bow Tie' 'Purple Dwarf' 'Purple Glory' 'Purple Grape' 'Purple Haze' 'Purple Heart' 'Purple Mischief' 'Purple Passion' 'Purple Prince' 'Purple Rain' 'Purple Scapes' 'Purple Verticulated Elf' 'Purplicious' pycnophylla 'Quarter Note' 'Rainbow's End' 'Rashao Iwa' 'Raspberries and Cream' 'Raspberry Meringue' 'Raspberry Parfait' 'Raspberry Sorbet' 'Raspberry Sundae' 'Razzle Dazzle' 'Ready' |
'Red Alert' 'Red Baron' 'Red Bull' 'Red Cadet' 'Red Cloud' 'Red Corvette' 'Red Dog' 'Red Dragon' 'Red Feather' 'Red Grande' 'Red Hot Flash' 'Red Hot Poker' 'Red Imp' 'Red Kitty' 'Red Legs' 'Red Neck Heaven' 'Red October' 'Red One' 'Red Puppy' 'Red Racer' 'Red Rampage' 'Red Regent' 'Red Rose' 'Red Rover' 'Red Ryder' 'Red Sails in the Sunset' 'Red Salamander' 'Red Sox' 'Red Spatz' 'Red Stem Green' 'Red Stepper' 'Red Stilts' 'Red Thunder' 'Red Titanium' 'Red Tubes' 'Red Wine Fries' 'Red Wing' 'Redbud' 'Reddish Dot' 'Reddy Eddy' 'Redneck Mardi Gras' 'Redon Bleu' 'Regal Rhubarb' 'Relentless' 'Reptilian' 'Respighi' 'Reverie' 'Rhubarb Pie' 'Rib Mountain' 'Riders of Rohan' 'Riptide' 'Rix Pix' 'Rock Happy' 'Rocket's Red Glare' 'Rosedale Light My Fire' 'Rough Lemon' 'Round About Midnight' 'Royal Rhubarb' |
'Rubber Ducky' 'Rubies and Ruffles' 'Ruby' 'Ruby Earrings' 'Ruby Slippers' 'Ruby Tuesday' 'Ruffled Pale Face' 'Rufus Rider' rupifraga 'Rust Bucket' 'Rusty Bee' 'Sabrina' 'Saishu Jima' 'Sanctuary' 'Santa Clara' 'Satoko' 'Scallion Pancakes' 'Scally Cap' 'Scarlet and Gray' 'Scarlet O'Hara' 'Scarlet Ribbons' 'School Bus' 'Sea Fire' 'Sea Octopus' 'Sea Sprite' 'Searing Flame' 'Secret Treasure' 'See No Evil' 'Sentinels' 'Serpentine' 'Seto-maru' 'Seto-no-aki' 'Setsuko Iwa' 'Shady Choice' 'Sharon Stone' 'She's Got the Moves' 'Shimmy Shake' 'Shirataki' 'Sister Betty' 'Sister Garned' 'Sky Dancer' 'Skywriter' 'Smiley Face' 'Snake Charmer' 'Snake Pit Falls' 'Snowberry Muffin' 'Sorbet' 'Southern Gold' 'Sparkle' 'Sparkling Burgundy' 'Spartan Gem' 'Spartan Spear' 'Spiral Nebula' 'Spring Ghost' 'Squash Casserole' 'Sri Lankan Spice' 'Stars and Stripes Forever' 'Stephen King' |
'Stickpin' 'Stir It Up' 'Stolen Ability' 'Straight Arrow' 'Straight Shooter' 'Strawberry Banana Smoothie' 'Strawberry Delight' 'Strawberry Parfait' 'Strawberry Surprise' 'Strawberry Yogurt' 'Streakin in Nebraska' 'Sugar Blue' 'Sugar Cookie' 'Sugar Plum' 'Sun Worshiper' 'Sunlight Child' 'Sunny Day' 'Suzanne Mahler' 'Swizzle Sticks' 'Symphony in Blue' 'Tagi' 'Tambourine' 'Tanayama Nishiki' 'Tatsumaki' 'Tenryu Nishiki' 'Tentacles' 'Tequila Sunrise' 'Terpsichore' 'The Diplomat' 'The Fonz' 'The Perfect Storm' 'The Razor's Edge' 'The Sleeper' 'The Unforgettable Fire' 'Theo's Blue' 'Theo's Red' 'Tickle Me Pink' 'Time in a Bottle' 'Tochi Ogon Iwa' 'Tokyo Smog' 'Tokyo Spring' 'Tom Terrific' 'Top of the Mornin' 'Torchlight' 'Tossed Salad' 'Totally Twisted' 'Tremont Artisan' 'Tremont Atomic Dragon' 'Tremont Ebony Angel' 'Tremont Erubescence' 'Tremont Mainstay' 'Tremont Red Hacksaw' 'Tremont Red Rover' 'Tremont Sho Girl' 'Tremont Something Different' 'Tremont Something Dreamy' 'Tremont Spice' |
'Tropic Sunset' 'True Treasure' tsushimensis 'Tutu' 'Twizzler' 'Two if by Sea' 'Uncle Albert' 'Uniquely Catawampus' 'Uniquely Shirley Temple' 'Upswing' 'Urajiro Hachijo' 'Urajiro Iwa' 'Urchin' 'Valley's Blind River' 'Valley's Blue Nuke' 'Valley's Blue Rider' 'Valley's Blue Stature' 'Valley's Bossanova' 'Valley's Bull's Eye' 'Valley's Cactus Bowl' 'Valley's Dancing Lady' 'Valley's Dandy' 'Valley's Favorite Muse' 'Valley's Fine Wine' 'Valley's Hokey Pokey' 'Valley's Hot Legs' 'Valley's Iron Lady' 'Valley's Kumo' 'Valley's Lemon Limbo' 'Valley's Lemon Squash' 'Valley's Liquid Green' 'Valley's Love Birds' 'Valley's Lucky Gambler' 'Valley's Mai Tai' 'Valley's Makoto' 'Valley's Paparazzi' 'Valley's Party Fluff' 'Valley's Pavlova' 'Valley's Perfect Flow' 'Valley's Petticoat' 'Valley's Purple August' 'Valley's Purple Dust' 'Valley's Purple Gecko' 'Valley's Purple Hurricane' 'Valley's Purple Turtle' |
'Valley's Ratatouille' 'Valley's Red Dad' 'Valley's Red Lion' 'Valley's Red Raider' 'Valley's Red Scorpion' 'Valley's Roadrunner' 'Valley's Rodeo' 'Valley's Royal Affair' 'Valley's Ruffle Shuffle' 'Valley's Sand Dance' 'Valley's Space Cowboy' 'Valley's Sushi' 'Valley's Suspicious Mind' 'Valley's Tonkatsu' 'Valley's Toss the Boss' 'Valley's Vanilla Sticks' 'Valley's White Beach' 'Valley's White Suit' 'Van Gogh' 'Venetian Star' 'Violetta' 'Vivacious' 'Volcano' 'Volcano Island' 'Walking on Sunshine' 'Wellfleet Harbor' 'Whiskey Sour' 'White Caps' 'White Heron' 'White Linen' 'Whitefish Dunes' 'Whitney's Firefly' 'Wild Strawberries' 'Wilderness Ridge' 'Wrede, White and Blue' 'Xanadu' 'Xcuse Me' 'Yellow Ribbons' 'Yellow Splash Rim' 'You're So Vein' |
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