Some hostas are completely pod sterile. Others are reluctant pod producers, and only a small percentage of the few seeds which are produced may be viable. In a few cases, a plant may be pod sterile but still able to produce some viable pollen. The following is a list of species and cultivars which have been reported to be completely, or nearly, pod and/or pollen sterile.
'0 Sum Game'
'Academy Beech Leaf Stack' 'Academy Halo Standard' 'Academy Purple Orb' 'Academy Subtle Sally' 'Affair to Remember' 'Amazone' 'Anna the Stripper' 'Annabel Lee' 'Aphrodite' 'Appletini' 'Applique' 'Arctic Circle' 'Athena' 'Audrey's Island' 'Autumn Fire' 'Baby Bunting' 'Bachelor Party' 'Baiyu' 'Banana Kid' 'Banana Pepper' 'Beach Boy' 'Beaujolais Wine' 'Bella Noche' 'Betty Boop' 'Biting Rosebud' 'Bitte' 'Blitz' "Blue Cadet Edina" 'Blue Carved Spoons' 'Blue Elf' 'Blueberries and Cream' 'Bohemia Praying Clown' 'Bohemian Queen' 'Bookoo Waves' 'Bora Bora' 'Border Patrol' 'Bowflecks' 'Brianna T.' 'Brocade' 'Bubba' 'Bubble Dance' 'Buckaroo' 'Buffalo Grassland Lightning' 'Buffalo Ice Mouse' 'Buffalo Misty Fog' 'Buffalo Misty Mouse' 'Buffalo Spring Beauty' 'Bullfrog' 'Burlesque' 'Bye Bob' |
'Candy Cane' 'Carol' 'Catch of the Day' 'Catherine' 'Catherine the Great' 'Celadon Rainbow' 'Celadon Treasure' 'Chesieres Mountain Lights' clausa clausa var. ensata clausa var. stolonifera 'Colesburg Sonny Boy' 'Colin P. Cleghorn' 'Color Fairy' 'Conflicted' 'Country Double Take' 'Country Fine Print' 'Cupid's Arrow' 'Dawn' 'Dew Drop' 'Diamond Jubilee' 'Dinky Donna' 'Dress Whites' 'Dutch Flame' 'Eagle Lake Overlook' 'Eco Mirror' 'Effervescent Love' 'Embroidery' 'Ems Pfeil' 'Enchiladas' 'Eros' 'Erotica' 'Euphoria' 'Fair Maiden' 'Fairest Maiden' 'For Your Eyes Only' 'Fountainhead' 'Fox Lake' 'Foxfire Viper' 'Frensham Airbrush Paints' 'Frensham Apple and Bramble Tart' 'Frensham Cinnamon Turnover' 'Frensham Elderberry Gin' 'Frensham Floral Tribute' 'Frensham Glow Worm' 'Frensham Gold Reserve' 'Frensham Heart Beat' 'Frensham Lemon Crepes' 'Frensham Lost Stork' 'Frensham Matcha Tea Sorbet' 'Frensham Petit Four' 'Frensham Red Lime Cordial' 'Frensham Redcurrant Jelly' 'Frensham Royal Connection' 'Friends Forever' 'Frost Warning' 'Fujibotan' |
'Gaga' 'Game Boy' 'Gay Search' 'Ginba' 'Glossy Ruffles' 'Gold Standard' 'Grape Fizz' 'Grandflora Fragrant Pink' 'Great Western Gap' 'Green Bag' 'Green Ivory' 'Green Nature Lady' 'Green Sparkler' 'Green with Envy' 'Green Velveteen' 'Gwendlyn' 'Hairline Fracture' 'Harvest Glow' 'Heart Strings' 'Hearts in Motion' 'Heaven Scent' 'Hirao Monument 'Honeysong Regal' 'Horse of a Different Color' 'Hot Kiss' 'Hunter V. Berthelot' 'Ian's Crystal Ball' 'Ilona' 'Irish Cream' 'Ivory Queen' 'Joby' 'Jolly Green Dwarf' 'Joyce Lane' 'Julia Gaede' 'Jumbo Mouse Ears' 'Kayleigh's Sunshine' 'Kiss to Remember' 'Krossa Dressa' 'Krossa Regal' (does produce some viable pollen) 'Kwick's Perky Purple Pixie' 'La Donna' 'Lakeside Cha Cha' 'Lakeside Iron Man' (pod sterile; pollen viable) 'Li'l Ruffian' 'Like a Blue Streak' 'Limbo Rock' 'Little Blue' 'Little Hobber' 'Little Razor' 'Love Me Tender' 'Lovely Loretta' |
'Mañana' 'Marbled Bouquet' 'Marilyn's Petticoat' 'Marlu's Marla Jean' 'Marvelous' 'Maurice Mason' 'Meant to Be' 'Megan' 'Mercury Rising' 'Michael S. Flaherty' 'Midas Mouse' 'Middle Ridge' 'Midnight Oil' 'Ming Treasure' 'Mini Skirt' 'Mint Condition' 'Miss America' 'Miss Poland' 'Mixed Nuts' 'Molly' 'Monster Ears' 'Moonlight' 'Moor Hound' 'Morning Star' 'My Fair Lady' 'Mystic Giant' 'Nakaimo' 'Night Owl' 'Oh! Susanna' 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' 'Ohh! Richland Reward' 'Old Coot' 'Out of This World' 'Over Yu Wu' 'Paleface' (aka "Undulata Wade #103") 'Parchment Paper' 'Party Popper' 'Party Streamers' 'Pass the Butter' 'Paul Revere' 'Pegasus' 'Piece of Cake' 'Plum Saucy' 'Polished Emeralds' 'Porcelain' 'Porcelain Vase' 'Pot Black' 'Praying Hands' 'Precious' 'Proud Mary' 'Pure Intentions' 'Purple Lady Finger' |
'Rain Forest Shooting Stars' 'Raleigh Remembrance' 'Red-eye Café' 'Redneck Mardi Gras' 'Regal Chameleon' 'Regal Heir' 'Regal Promenade' 'Regal Providence' 'Regal Splash' 'Regal Splendor' 'Regal Twist' 'Regalia' (rarely produces viable seed) 'Richland Gold' 'Richland Gold Splash' 'Richland Gold's Moonlight' 'Richland Gold's Moonlight's Child' 'Richland Riot' 'Rix Pix' 'Rock 'n' Roll Heart' 'Rosemary' 'Royal Tiara' 'Sails Ho' 'School Bus' 'Sent from Heaven' 'Shuchu-no-tama' 'Smoochy' 'Sound of Music' 'Sparkle' 'Spartan Flash' 'Spiral Nebula' 'Splendid Reign' 'Standard Deviation' 'Stealth' 'Steely Dan' 'Sting' 'Storm' 'Storm Surf' 'Summer Gold' 'Sunny Isle' 'Sunset Grooves' 'Super Samson' 'Surfer Dude' 'Swan Song' |
'Talking Point'
'TBSP Butter'
'Teltow Happy Felix'
'Teltow Lance Black'
'Teltow Lemon Fountain'
'Teltow Lucky Felix'
'Teltow Olive Kentia'
'Teltow The Stork'
'Teltow Yellow Explosion'
'Teltow Yellow Orphan'
'Temptress' 'Tiki Bar' 'Timber Blaze' 'Time in a Bottle' 'Timeless Beauty' 'Tom Schmid' 'Trail of Tears' 'Twisted Spearmint' 'Unducosa' 'Undulata' 'Undulata Albomarginata' 'Undulata Univittata' "Undulata Wade #101" "Undulata Wade #102" 'Upper Crust' 'Valley's Love Buzz' 'Valley's Purple Dust' 'Valley's Space Cowboy' 'Van Gogh' 'Venus' 'Vermont Frost' 'Viette Eighteen' 'Vulcan' |
'War Bonnet' 'Waving Wuffles' 'Wedding Night' 'Wee' 'What Happened' 'When I Dream' 'White Fairy' 'White Line Fever' 'White Ray' 'White Sails' 'White Shoulders' 'White Sprite' 'Wings of a Prayer' 'Wunv' 'Yellow Bonkers' 'Yellow Polka Dot Bikini' 'Yellowbeard' 'You Are My Sunshine' 'Za Za Zoom' 'ZIP Code' 'Zippy Zepps' 'Zodiac' |
'Allegan Fog' 'American Sonata' 'Antioch' 'Awakening Angel' 'Betcher's Blue' 'Birchwood Parky's Gold' 'Blue Angel' 'Blue Haired Lady' 'Blue Tooth' 'Bobbie Sue' 'Brandi Nicole' 'Bridegroom' 'Buster' 'Change of Tradition' 'Cherokee' 'Chinese Sunrise' 'Colored Hulk' 'Dalton's Pick' 'Deep Blue Sea' 'Don Quixote' 'Dragon Fire' 'Emperor's New Clothes' 'Fall Splendor' 'Fire Island' 'Flower Power' 'Fortunei Aureomarginata' 'Fortunei Hyacinthina' 'Fragrant Bouquet' 'Frosted Raspberry' 'Fujibotan' 'Get Nekkid' 'Ghost Spirit' 'Goldmine' 'Great River Sonata' 'Green Marmalade' 'Guacamole' 'Guardian Angel' 'Gypsy Rose' 'Hadspen Samphire' 'Hanky Panky' 'Helena Sundberg' 'Heliarc' 'High Flyer' 'Hirao Majesty' 'Hirao Supreme' 'Honeybells' 'Hoosier Harmony' 'Hope' 'Hot and Spicy' |
'Hot Kiss' 'Ice Follies' 'Icy Fog' 'Iona' 'Iron Gate Supreme' 'Janet' 'Janet Day' 'Janet's Gold Sox' 'Janet's Green Sox' 'Javelin' 'Jaws' 'Jaz' 'Jelloway' 'Jet Black' 'Jimmy Crack Corn' 'Journeyman' 'Judy Rocco' 'Kathy-O' 'Kiwi Blue Baby' 'Kiwi Full Monty' 'Ladybug' laevigata 'Lakeside Black Satin' 'Lakeside Coal Miner' 'Lakeside Leprechaun' 'Lancifolia' 'Leather Sheen' 'Lederhosen' 'Lemon Love Note' 'Limey Lisa' 'Little Black Scape' \ 'Luna Moth' 'Marbled White' 'Mary Scholl' 'Metallica' 'Midnight Storm' 'Milk and Honey' 'Minuteman' 'Miss Missey' 'Mistress Mabel' 'Moonlight Mirage' 'Moonlight Sonata' 'Mr Big' 'Navajo' 'New Tradition' 'New Wave' 'Night before Christmas' 'Nightlife' nigrescens |
'Ode to Joy' 'Old Faithful' 'On Fire' 'Pandora's Box' 'Paradise Power' 'Patriot' 'Patriot Pride' 'Patriot's Fire' 'Patriot's Fire Reversed' 'Patriotic' 'Phantom' 'PeeDee Elfin Bells' 'Pineapple Express' 'Pineapple Juice' 'Pineapple Poll' 'Pineapple Upsidedown Cake' 'Pink Flamingo' plantaginea var. japonica 'Pleasant Hill' 'Plum Nutty' 'Pocohontas' 'Power of Prayer' 'Prairieland Memories' 'Praise Him' 'Purple Haze' 'Quilting Party' 'Raspberry Sorbet' 'Raspberries and Cream' 'Raspberry Truffle' 'Raving Beauty' 'Ray of Hope' 'Rippling Rhythm' 'Roller Coaster Ride' 'Rosedale Barney' 'Royal Accolade' 'Royal Gold' 'Royal Standard' 'Savannah' 'Savannah Emerald' 'Savannah Supreme' 'Sea Lightning' 'See Saw' 'Sharmon' 'Sherwood Forest' 'Shiny Sonata' 'Silver Mine' |
'Silver Threads and Golden Needles' 'Silverado' 'Slick Willie' 'So Sweet' 'Squash Casserole' 'Stargate' 'Stirfry' 'Stormy Seas' 'Striptease' 'Sugar and Cream' 'Sugar Snap' 'Sum and Substance' 'Sum It Up' 'Sum of All' 'Sum Total' 'Sum Cup-o-Joe' 'Sum Zero' 'Summer Fragrance' 'Sun Kissed' 'Sun Power' 'Sweet Standard' 'Sweetness' (Zilis) 'Tall Boy' 'Totally Awe Sum' 'Undulata Erromena' 'Uzu-no-mai' 'Uzu-no-mai Fukurin' 'Venucosa' 'Viette's Yellow Edger' 'Walden' 'Warwick Ballerina' 'Warwick Essence' 'Whipped Cream' 'Whirlwind' 'White Christmas' 'White Knight' 'White Necklace' 'Wild Nights' 'Zebson' |
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