Very White-Leaved Hostas

Those hostas which emerge in spring entirely white are indicated with an asterisk (*).

'Answered Prayers'
* 'Apparition'
* 'Benjamin William'
'Brim Cup'
'Center Stage'
'Christmas Candy'
'Christmas Cookies'
'Crater's Heart'
'Dancing in the Rain'
* 'Dixie Ghost'
'Emerald Crust'
'Emerald Eyes'
'Emerald Scepter'
'Eskimo Pie'
'Fire and Ice'
'Flame Stitch'
* 'Flat Tire'
'Fragrant Light'
'Giantland Halloween'
* 'Grey Ghost'
'High Society'
'Holiday White'
'Ice Castle'
'Ice Follies'
'Ivory Coast'
'Ivory Pixie'
'Kiwi Ice Breaker'
'Kiwi Polar Bear'
'Kiwi Spearmint'
'La Vista'
* 'Lady Christin May'
'Lakeside Zing Zang'
'Little Jay'
'Little Willie'
* 'London Fog'
'Look at That'
'Mini Man'
* 'Miss Moonbeam'
'Morning Light'
* 'Mostly Ghostly'
* 'Mountain Mist'
* 'Mouse Metamorphosis'
'Oil on Canvas'
* 'Outhouse Delight'
'Prom Queen'
'Queen Annie Lemay'
'Remember Me'
* 'Retread'
'Sails Ho'
'Shironakafu Otome'
'Show Me'
* 'Shuchu-no-tama'
'Silver Certificate'
* 'Silver Mine'
* 'Silver Spring'
* 'Snowy Owl'
'Spring Ghost'
* 'Susan Montgomery's Ghost'
* 'The Freak' (Zilis)
* 'Vermont Frost'
'Whale Star'
'What's That' (Brashear)
'White Christmas' (Krossa)
'White Christmas' (Mobjack)
'White Colossus'
'White Dove'
'White Elephant'
* 'White Feather'
'White Gold Standard'
'White Hot'
'White Star'
'White Surprise'
* 'White Witch'
* 'White Trouble'
* 'White Undies'
* 'White Wall Tire'
* 'Whitewater'
* 'Wild Wind'
'Work of Art'
'Yankee Clipper'
* 'Yuki-no-jou'
* 'Zebra Stripes'

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