Slug-Resistant Hostas

Generally, large hostas and those with thick foliage tend to be less susceptible to slug damage.

'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
'Abiqua Trumpet'
'Academy Ametrine'
'After Midnight'
'Alvatine Taylor'
'American Hero'
'American Masterpiece'
'American Super Mouse'
'Apple Candy'
'Aqua Velva'
'Aspen Gold'
'Aurora Borealis'
'Autumn Frost'
'Aztec Treasure'
'Backyard Monster'
'Bad Boy'
'Bashful Polly'
'Ben Vernooij'
'Betcher's Blue'
'Big Daddy'
'Black Hills'
'Blue Arrow'
'Blue Beard'
'Blue Cadet'
'Blue Circle'
'Blue Danube'
'Blue Diamond'
'Blue Dimples'
'Blue Dome'
'Blue Ivory'
'Blue Lagoon'
'Blue Lollipop'
'Blue Mammoth'
'Blue Moon'
'Blue Mouse Ears'
'Blue Mouse Ears Supreme'
'Blue Ox'
'Blue Pebbles'
'Blue Shadows'
'Blue Umbrellas'
'Blue Wedgwood'
'Bohemia Desert Border'
'Bold Ruffles'
'Boots and Saddles'
'Bottom Line'
'Bright Glow'
'Bright Lights'
'Bright Star'
'Brother Ronald'
'Brussels Waffles'
'Calico Mouse Ears'
'Cat and Mouse'
'Center of Attention'
'Chocolate Mint'
'Christmas Tree'
'Church Mouse'
'City Lights'
'Color Revolt'
'Cool Waters'
'Country Corn'
'Crazy Mouse Ears'
'Cream Topping'
'Crumb Cake'
'Dancing Mouse'
'David A. Haskell'
'Delona's Smile'
'Deluxe Edition'
'Desert Mouse'
'Dewed Steel'
'Diamond Lake'
'Dinner Mint'
'Domaine de Courson'
'Don's Gator Hide'
'Doubled Up'
'DuPage Delight'
'Dust Devil'
'Eagle's Nest'
'Eternal Flame'
'Feng Shui'

'Field Rat'
'Final Summation'
'Final Victory'
'First Frost'
'Five O'Clock Somewhere'
'Flemish Gold'
'Flemish Steel'
'Flower Power'
'Forbidden Fruit'
'Forest Mouse'
'Foxfire Snake Eyes'
'Fragrant Gold'
'Fran Godfrey'
'Frances Williams'
'Friar Tuck'
'Frosted Mouse Ears'
'Funny Mouse'
'Garden Treasure'
'Ghost Mouse'
'Gold Cup'
'Gold Glory'
'Gold Seer'
'Goldbrook Glamour'
'Golden Bullion'
'Golden Daggers'
'Golden Delight'
'Golden Gate'
'Golden Medallion'
'Golden Memories'
'Golden Piecrust'
'Golden Teacup'
'Good as Gold'
'Gosan Leather Strap'
'Grand Marquee'
'Grand Master'
'Grand Slam'
'Grand Total'
'Grandma Burns'
'Great Escape'
'Green Fountain'
'Green Gables'
'Green Grand Master'
'Green Mouse Ears'
'Green Sheen'
'Green Skies'
'Green Wedge'
'Guardian Angel'
'Gunther's Prize'
'H. D. Thoreau'
'Hadspen Blue'
'Hadspen Heron'
'Hands Up'
'Handy Hatfield'
'Happy Mouse'
'Harvest Glow'
'Heart's Content'
'Heat Wave'
'Heavy Duty'
'Here's the Beef'
'High Society'
'Hime Tokudama'
'Hirao Zeus'
'Holy Mouse Ears'
'Hudson Bay'
'I'm So Blue'
'Iris Frazier'
'Irish Hills'
'Irish Luck'
'Iron Sky'
'Itty Bitty'
'Jack of Diamonds'
'Jade Stone'
'Jim Cooper'
'Jipson Place Meteor Crater'
'Joyce Trott'
'Julia Hardy'
'Jumbo Mouse Ears'
'June Fever'
'June Moon'
'June Spirit'
'Just So'

'King Tut'
'Kiwi Blue Baby'
'Kiwi Summer Haze'
'Komodo Dragon'
'Korean Snow'
'Krossa Regal'
'Lacy Belle'
'Lady Isobel Barnett'
'Lakeport Blue'
'Lakeside Accolade'
'Lakeside April Snow'
'Lakeside Beach Captain'
'Lakeside Looking Glass'
'Lakeside Shore Master'
'Lakeside Sir Logan'
'Leather Sheen'
'Lee Armiger'
'Linda Sue'
'Little Aurora'
'Little Ice Mouse'
'Lochness Blue'
'Lochness Monster'
'Lochness Smoke and Fire'
longipes f. hypoglauca
longipes var. vulgata
'Louise Ryan'
'Love of Life'
'Love Pat'
'Lovely Loretta'
'Lucky Mouse'
'Lucy and Ethel'
'Lucy Vitols'
'Luna Moth'

'Lunar Orbit'
'M. Owen Papuga'
'Magic Island'
'Margin of Error'
'Maruba Iwa'
'Mary Lou'
'Mellow Mood'
'Metallic Sheen'
'Midas Mouse'
'Midas Touch'
'Midwest Magic'
'Mighty Mini'
'Mighty Moe'
'Mighty Mouse'
'Mighty Special'
'Millie's Memoirs'
'Mini Skirt'
'Mister Watson'
'Moby Dick'
'Monster Ears'
'Moon Glow'
'Moon Monster'
'Moonlight Sonata'
'Morning Light'
'Mountain Snow'
'Mouse Capades'
'Mouse King'
'Mouse Tracks'
'Mouse Trap'
'Mr Big'
'Mrs. Mouse Ears'
'Mustang Sally'
'My Friend Nancy'
'Mystic Mouse'
'Nancy Gill'
'Nathan Hale'
'New Wave'
'Niagara Falls'
'Northern Mist'
'Ocean Isle Tornado'
'Old Cardboard Boxes'
'Olympic Silver Medal'
'Olympic Sunrise'
'One Iota'
'One Iota Supreme'
'Orange Star'
'Paradise Breeze'
'Pinani Splash'
'Pineapple Poll'
'Pitch Black'
'Plum Pudding'
'Polly Bishop'
'Potomac Pride'
'Prairie Fire'
'Prairie Moon'
'Prairie Sumshine'
'Praying Hands'
'Prince of Darkness'
'Private Dancer'
'Purbeck Ridge'
'Pure Heart'
'Quilted Skies'
'Quilting Bee'
'Raleigh Remembrance'
'Razzle Dazzle'
'Reginald Kaye'
'Remember Me'
'Rhapsody in Blue'
'Rhino Blue'
'Rhino Hide'
'Richard Taylor'
'Rising Sun'
'Rosedale Genevieve'
'Rosedale Golden City'
'Rosedale Knox'
'Royal Mouse Ears'
'Ruffled Mouse Ears'
'Sara's Gold'
'Sara's Sensation'
'Satin Flare'
'Sea Blue'
'Sea Blue Sapphire'
'Sea Dream'
'Sea Gentian'
'Sea Gold Dust'
'Sea Grotto'
'Sea Hero'
'Sea Lotus Leaf'
'Sea Monster'
'Sea Peridot'
'Sea Sapphire'
'Sea Waves'
'Sea White Gold'
'Second Wind'
'Secret Ambition'
'Sergeant Pepper'
'Seventh Heaven'
'Shadow Waltz'
'Sherborne Swift'
'Shere Khan'
'Sherwood Forest'
'Shiny Substance'
sieboldiana 'Elegans'
'Silver Bowl'
'Silvery Slugproof'
'Small Sum'
'Smokey Tokey'
'Snow Cap'
'Snow Mouse'
'Solar Mouse'
'Something Good'
'Sparkling Burgundy'
'Spilt Milk'
'Spinach Patch'
'Spinach Soufflé'
'St. Paul'
'Stand by Me'
'Standing Ovation'
'Stepping Out'
'Stitch in Time'
'Sum and Substance'
'Sum and Subtle'
'Sum Cup-o-Joe'
'Sum It Up'
'Sum of All'
'Sum Total'
'Summer Lovin'
'Sun Disk'
'Super Nova'
'Tarheel Blue'
'Tenryu Nishiki'
'Tijuana Brass'
'Tokudama Aureonebulosa'
'Tokudama Flavocircinalis'
'Touch of Class'
'Touch of Frost'
'Trade Wind'
'True North'
'Turning Point'
'Twist and Shout'
'Twisted Sister'
'Urajiro Iwa'
'Valerie's Vanity'
'Valley's Glacier'
'Valley's Greenstone'
'Valley's Walkabout'
'Van Wade Blue'
ventricosa 'Aureomarginata'
'Vim and Vigor'
'Whirling Dervish'
'Whirlwind Flame'
'Whirlwind Tour'
'Volcano Island'
'Warwick Delight'
'Whirling Dervish'
'White Vision'
'Winfield Blue'
'Wings of a Prayer'
'Woodland Blue'
'You're So Vein'
'Yuma' (Wade)
'Zero Sum'

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