The names marked with an asterisk (*) are a series of hosta cultivars named by Van Wade in honor of Native American Indian tribes.
'Abba Redskin' 'Academy Golden Papoose' * 'Agawa'
* 'Ah-ha-ha-bah'
'Ahwaneeh'* 'Algonquin'
* 'American Chippewa'
* 'American Mohican Halo'
* 'American Yeti'
'Apache'* 'Arapaho'
'Arrow Head''Arrowhead' 'Aztec Treasure' 'Aztec Yellow' 'Blackfoot' 'Blazing Arrow' 'Blue Arrow' 'Bows and Arrows' 'Boy Shooting Arrows' 'Braveheart' * 'Cherokee'
* 'Cheyenne'
* 'Chickasaws'
* 'Chief Cornstalk'
* 'Chief Crazy Horse'
* 'Chief Killbuck'
* 'Chief Little Turtle'
* 'Chief Sitting Bull'
* 'Chief Thundercloud'
* 'Chief White Cloud'
(see footnote 1) * 'Chief Yellow Head'
'Chippewa'* 'Choctaw'
* 'Comanche'
'Crazy Horse' * 'Cree'
* 'Creek'
* 'Crow'
'Cuyahoga''Cuyahoga Falls' * 'Dakota'
'Dream Catcher''Eskimo Pie' 'Flaming Arrow' 'Geronimo' (Malloy) * 'Geronimo' (Wade)
* 'Gitchigumi'
'Gold Arrow''Golden Wampum' * 'Great Spirit'
* 'Great White Spirit'
* 'Greentown'
'Hiawatha'* 'Hopi'
* 'Huron'
'Illini''Inca Gold' 'Inca Sun' 'Indian Feather' 'Indian Hills' 'Indian Princess' 'Indian Summer' * 'Iroquois'
* 'Jelloway'
* 'Kaskankla'
* 'Kickapoo'
'Lake Gitchigumi'* 'Lake Macatawa'
* 'Lakota'
* 'Lenape'
* 'Mandan'
* 'Mascouten'
'Mayan Moon''Mayan Seer' * 'Menominee'
* 'Miami'
* 'Mingo'
* 'Mohawk'
'Mohegan'* 'Mohican Forest'
* 'Nakota'
* 'Navajo'
* 'Nezperce'
* 'Nirajunah'
* 'Odina'
* 'Oglala'
* 'Ojibway'
'Old Arrowhead'* 'Omaha'
* 'Oneida'
* 'Oreana'
* 'Ottawa'
* 'Paiute'
* 'Paleface'
'Papoose'* 'Pawnee'
'Peace Pipe'* 'Pocahontas'
* 'Potawatomi'
'Pow Wow''Quinnipiac' 'Red Cloud' 'Richland Mayan Moon' |
* 'Seminole'
'Seneca' (Tobey)* 'Seneca' (Wade)
* 'Shawnee'
* 'Shawnee Gold'
* 'Shawnee Moon'
* 'Shoshonean'
'Silver Arrow'* 'Sioux'
'Smoke Signals''Straight Arrow' 'Summer Warrior' * 'Susquehanna'
'Susquehanna River'* 'Tasce'
* 'Tecumseh'
'Teton'* 'Tomahawk'
'Tonto'* 'Tuscarora'
* 'Tyendinaga'
* 'Ute'
* 'Walla Walla'
'War Bonnet''War Paint' 'War Party' 'War Path' 'White Cloud' 'White Feather' * 'Winnebago'
'Winter Warrior'* 'Wyandot'
'Yuma' (Livingston)* 'Yuma' (Wade)
'Zuni' |
1 B. & D. Stegeman (ONI); V. Wade (R)
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